Saturday, March 24, 2012

I interrupt my burst of creative energy

To highlight yet another artist:

Jessica of Cozy Couture.

I contacted Jessica and told her I'd love to have a sweater for my Agnes... I have loads of patterns, but I neither have the time nor the energy to execute one any time soon.

I picked black...  It is gorgeous.

Yes, my pictures are pretty much terrible (that's part of the charm of this blog -- they are bad and I know it)

Here's a close up

Beautiful workmanship; yeah the pictures can't do justice ... blah, blah, blah.  

You get the idea.  I highly recommend these sweaters.  I've just edited this to add her link (silly me)

Also, I have another surprise, looks like the doll I've been saving for may be in my horizon, after all.  The artist and I have been in contact... I'm excited... I'll give you glimpses when she arrives...  It's going to take a while.  ooooooohhhhh.....can't wait..........

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