Friday, May 30, 2014

Love this!

I am really inspired by this artist.  Shinzi Katoh.  The simple and cute red riding hood.  It has the gnome aesthetic.  I love just this little case/purse.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Very happy with the Lily.  The center stamen (?) each two pieces (yellow and orange)

And another shot

tag: Gnome Dome

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

3D felting

Worked on this at night...

It's a WIP.  Still needs stamen center and perhaps some leaves.  It is a Rubrum lily.  Similar also to the stargazer lily.

It's 6 separate petals each two colors.

tag: gnome dome

Monday, May 26, 2014

Fiddling with small needle felted items

I'm really enjoying needle felting flowers and "stuff" for the Gnome Domes.   Most of the embellishments are about an inch or two, so it's small work.

No Gnome Dome would be complete without some forest mushrooms

Small 3D buzzing bee...

View from above.

3D daffodil.  The center "cup" is a single needled piece.  The 6 outer petals were needled together then joined with the cup.  Here's the side view.

I'm working on a rubrum lily...  I'll post tomorrow.

And here's another photo of the Gnome Domes

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Got a complete overhaul!

My daughter is home from school for a super short time -- she's been kind enough to help me with all things computer related.  I explained to her what I wanted to accomplish and she's been super helpful.  My blog got an overhaul.  I now have a website! and an Etsy store!  I think I need to pinch myself.

I took the photo (it's with her camera -- but the colors didn't come out that great) -- It's the lighting -- I'll retake with my crappy camera tomorrow...

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Can't escape wanting to do more green

I'm drawn to the greens...

After experimenting with blue/teal type colors, I decided to dye some roving yarn...  Yes back to green

The teal color is there...

Then, I did two batches of yarn.  One is slightly more yellow, the other slightly more blue.

tag: Gnome Dome

Friday, May 23, 2014

And one more time....

I was looking at my stash of colors and I feel I need a more varied selection of blue...

I started out with this...

But I'm looking for something less cotton candy-ish...

I really want dark and rich...

I'm getting there...

Green added to the mix

tag: Gnome dome

Thursday, May 22, 2014


I love spot dying (almost like a tie dye -- in that you get mottled colors) -- well in this case, I did greens so just variations of green...

Almost all dry.

So interesting.  I would have liked a little more of the dark, but I'm experimenting so now I know -- Or I think I know -- the wool and the dyes seem to take on a life of their own.  I'm never 100% positive what it will look like.  But it is always a pleasant surprise.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Let the games begin!

Now for the fun part.  One batch, 4 colors...

It is my favorite experimentation -- greens.  There are just so many shades.  Those that are more blue and those more yellow.

This is a base of basic green added to that are batches of kelly green, yellow green and for excitement some dark green.  I did not let this dye too deeply as I want to see what I would get with only minimal "soak/dye time".

I love the results so far... I'm in the wet stage --

So, I will have some color change.

I think I'll get everything from a celery/minty green to a forest green.

tag: gnome dome

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Here are the reds...

4 Separate batches...

As they dry, the color looks different to me...

Very interesting...  As time plays a big factor.  Also how the dye is absorbed.  The two at the top were so different when looking at the "colors" -- two different dyes -- but the results are very very similar.

The two on the bottom were the same dye.  Same (exact volume) with a difference of 10 minutes... One looks almost pink with red...

tag: gnome dome

Monday, May 19, 2014

Spent a good part of the day experimenting...

With more dyes!  It is fun...  Like science experiments.  Different shades, different dye types, different methods... I'll post pics tomorrow.  --

For now, what's cooking?  Some dye!

I'm thinking I'll have 4 new shades...

Couldn't find just the right red, so now I'll try to make it!

tag: gnome dome

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Not sure what is wrong with (me) this...

I have my new dolls.  Dolly d'jour I should call them.  And don't get me wrong.  I love the ones I have, but I keep itching (looking around -- looking for my next doll) -- Custom dolls, stock dolls, hair color, styling (sophisticated or childlike) -- all questions I wrestle with.

I've been "reading" some Blythe books -- This is Blythe and Blythe Style -- these only complicate the matter.

So, on impulse I checked the Blythe Website...  Found a doll... purchased her.... -- this is not helping my saving for another "grail" doll....

Friday, May 16, 2014

Finished these ... Happy they are done!

These take way longer than they look.  Molding wool to make felt at this size is almost impossible.

It's hard to get an appreciation for them as the photos make them look like two sheets of felt sewn together to make a little slipper.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  It is layers of wool formed around a last making the "bootie"

The little balls are also felt.

Here's a shot from the side

Here is the bottom or sole.... no sewn seam...

Here they are on a Blythe doll:
The process takes about 4 hours.

I don't think I'll make any more of these (famous last words)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Ok, so I've been looking at a lot of Mark Ryden paintings

Some are disturbing to me, but some of the dresses he creates in these painting are just magnificent.

I am particularly enamoured by this number:

Amazing really.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

This is a second attempt

My first was a failure....

(Would we celebrate our victories if all our attempts were successes?)

Just what I wanted to accomplish.

I threw out the other one (I meant to photograph it)

anyway... here it is...
Elfin Magic!

So they are felted to go with the gnome hats...

I think they are cute.  ;)

Monday, May 12, 2014

It's late, but I'm working on my next thing....

I hope it works (but you just never know) -- I've had one failed attempt and one success on these...

Trying to perfect it...  If it works, photos tomorrow...  If it doesn't, photos tomorrow ;)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Tried some more today.

Hectic day...

(Happy Mother's Day BTW!)

Spend a majority of my day just "playing" -- experimenting with dyes, different processes, types etc.

an overall fun day.

I thought it looked like cotton candy!  Fun!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

hand dyeing

I was experimenting with some hand dyeing today...

Roving with 3 greens...

Friday, May 9, 2014

Been working along....

Lots of creativity and creations.  WIPs -- soon to have photos.

Life's little "set backs" are easier to deal with when there's something fun to look forward to....

Looking forward to every new day!

Here are some flowers for cheer!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The wheels are still turning....

I get  "burst of energy" -- tons of ideas flowing or "nada" --  As the energy flow is greatest, I'll try to deal with all the ideas swimming around in there.

IRL they look kind of like translucent -- like chicken left out and gone dry :)

They are legs... Blythe legs copied using a 2 piece mold that I made -- they don't need to be exact -- I'm using them for shoe lasts.  For yet another idea I have.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

worked on a couple things last night

First, I did finish another one of the gnome hats.  Now the girls will have "matching"....

This is Lady Vic, my RoSo (Royal Soliloquy) Blythe in her gnome hat -- I know many europeans (especially Germans call them helmets) -- You can see why.  It is very thick felt...

It is all one piece without any sewn seams.

Here's a view from the top...

Some times I really wish I were a better photographer as this looks 100% better IRL.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Been working on a project...

I've had this idea -- almost a calling really -- I've had this idea in my mind and it's fighting it's way out.  I started collecting the "supplies" a few months back, but I've been thinking about it for nearly a year....

I transformed my kitchen counter into a "work station" complete with covering by shower curtain ;)

I've been working (for hours) on this -- my husband's comment is "really -- that's what you've been making" -- Usually he humors me with "Oh that's nice honey" -- this time he was like "heh..."

I have grandiose visions of hand dying, adornment with yarns/beads, needle felting...  Here's a peek, but it is a WIP so don't form any opinions just yet...

And just before I got a good shot, the camera battery died....  This camera is pretty terrible.  It captures the wrong date for photos.  I'll take a photo and when I load it into Flickr it'll say it was taken a day before!   I'm no photographer, so I'm happy to just capture the moment.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Getting busy with sewing/buttons/stuff

I have a great little helper!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Grandma's comfy chair

I thought this chair looked like a "grandma's comfy chair".  In the background is my mom's actual comfy chair.

Here Lilly sits in her comfy chair.

I love these little dolls!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

How did I get here and where to go from here....

I know how I got here, I just don't know where to go from here...  Well, I was on Flickr (always my achilles heel)-- I saw a doll, Enyo.  I did my research.  Enyo is a tiny bjd made in Spain.  Now, I always wondered what the draw was with the tinies (but in doll collecting I make no judgements).  I started wanting a small doll that when I traveled I could photograph -- solution: a tiny.

I contacted Enyo's maker and she kindly responded that she probably wouldn't be making that mold for now as she had other projects.  As I looked at the Enyo photos I decided I probably should move on and I did -- that's when I found the Secretdoll.  I love my Secretdoll.  I think she's very cute and wouldn't change getting her.

Here's where I took a wrong turn.  I started looking for clothes/shoes for Secretdoll and found that they shared the size with Blythe Middies.  Now, I knew nothing of Blythes (other than being able to recognize them).  I didn't know they basically come in 3 sizes.  Petite, Middie and Neo (large).  I guessed it was odd to move from bjds to Blythe -- but there are quite a few people that have this same story.  One person said after seeing a Blythe in person she'd be going back to bjds!

I did some research (first on Flickr) -- again .... I was amazed by all the custom work and I remembered that Freddy Tan (the amazing talented Freddy was customizing Blythes).  I looked more and thought -- got to have one!  I remember years ago, Marina B. saying something to the effect that she didn't know what the draw was -- She drew the scorn and disdain of the Blythe community!

So, I ordered my first doll from the official website as I had heard murmurings of fakes being sold on Ebay as real dolls.  Who knows.  Anyway, so the wait began.  Foolishly, I thought if the doll was in stock and I was paying for express shipping, the doll would appear at my door within days or maybe a week or so.

This was not to happen.  I joined a Blythe forum and waited.  I heard about the fakes.  TBLs as Blythers like to call them.  I decided to order one.  It was a whim, but they are cheap so what the heck.  I would say within 2 weeks the TBL -- Fake-- showed up.  She looked pretty good to me, but having never seen an actual Blythe in person, I couldn't compare it to anything.  I remember thinking it's going to be like fake Barbies -- your mom tried to convince you they "were the same" but you knew the minute you laid eyes on one -- it was fake.

So I waited.. and waited.  I contacted the company figuring something had gone wrong.  They told me Friday they would send it out.  Two weeks came and went from that Friday.  No doll.  I again contacted them.  They apologized and said it would go out on Friday.  (I didn't hold my breath) -- That Monday I got an email and tracking number.  That was progress.  Tuesday the mailman left a slip.  I figured it couldn't be the doll that was coming from Japan.  But when I collected the package on Wednesday.  It was the Blythe doll all the way from Japan.

Now, the only disappointment I have is the hair on the doll.  People on the forums talk about having to wash it.  I just couldn't understand having not seen one.  The hair is made of the rattiest saran.  It reminds me of when Barbie hair gets old or Tammy dolls.  People talk about the fakes smelling bad or having ratty hair -- I think either they have improved or that was some propaganda to discourage purchase, because the fake's hair is nicer than the real doll and there is no smell to the fake doll.

I'm not going to say the fake is just as good.  I am going to say I thought the real doll would be better (in terms of quality). (considering it's about 4X the price)