Thursday, April 3, 2014

Been "Away" -- now I'm back!!!!!!

Things are better with my mom and with my health.  I feel like I have a new lease on life!

I have a fire under me.  I'm so excited to do a couple things:

First off --- felting....  I think it looks interesting and I've been "studying up" on it.

Hand dying -- The next thing.  I want to make some ombre cottons....  in cotton candy colors.
Just some cool things.  Maybe dye some wool....

I've "inherited" a giant bin of used clothes from my girls and clearing out -- I'm going to transform them into doll clothing!

My other "projects" are on hold and I'm going to concentrate on this for a while.

My first project elfin shoes and gnome hats!  I've gotten some wool and as soon as I get my "model" -- I'll get started!

Some wool roving....

This post sounds like rambling and I'm sorry -- just excited -- and in a pinch for time.


  1. Thanks! As the song goes "I'm Happy"! Spring has sprung and I have a pep in my step.
