Monday, January 23, 2012

back to my knitting...

I don't mean literally... but as an aside, I did get a book about crochet for Barbies.  (I had it somewhere in my stash and I just dusted it off).  That's another story.

When I say back to my knitting, I'm referring to the original intention of this blog -- to outfit Agnes -- my trials and tribulations along the way.  I'm still working on that darn dress... the one with the sparkles.  I dusted that off and I think I might be gaining some momentum there.

(the pink is plastic wrap -- separating the layers during the gluing/glitter process).

For the future dresses, I really love the pageant dresses that I've been seeing.  I'd love to make one of those over the top ones.....  Hmmmm....


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