Saturday, November 24, 2012

So much has been going on (but not much on the doll front for me)

After my daughter left for school, I had so much free time that I decided I really needed a job....  But my job (training) has been so intense, I really have no free time left.  I'm hoping for a balance and to be able to publish every day after the new year!  I'm hoping to be able to save up enough money for all my dolly dreams!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Dolls, dolls, dolls

I'm not sure if its me, but I seem to have run into a bit of doll disappointment recently.  There are two artists' work that I was very keen to acquire.  One has been going "back and forth" for some time and the other well, perhaps that was a pipedream anyway.  I always seem to be just behind the curve with these dolls.  I'm not sure why, but it seems both artists are now "reluctant" or unable to sell pieces.  (I assume it is just a general state of the dolly business) -- but it is sad/frustrating.

My latest thing is I'm just going to "step back", concentrate on the dolls I do own and work on some amazing things for them (in my spare time).  I thought I'd have more time in the fall, but projects just keep jumping out in front of me.

I'm going to get back to the Cinderella carriage that I started all those months ago and then I'm going to go from there!

Soon to come the Cinderella progress....

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It has been sooo long!!!

Lots has been happening (however, very little on the doll front) -- My daughters are in college away from home, so "my nest is empty".  I've been busy caring for my mom... that is for the long term.

I did have the most unexpected thing happen to me a while back.  Such a kind and generous act.  One of the doll artists, Nune, sent me a surprise gift!  It is a lovely dress for my Adriana.  I was so touched.  What a sweetie.  Thank you Nune!

Of course, I could not get the right light to photograph this gem and do it any justice.  But my blog is not about the quality of the photos (as everyone knows) it is about the joy of the journey.

I love the color on her.  I tried to do something unusual, like a provocative pose, well....  didn't turn out.  Instead of looking slinky, she looked like she was crawling out of a desert.

Then, a casual side roll, looked more like landing after a fall!

Hope you get a giggle!

Monday, July 23, 2012

What was supposed to be a quick project...

Seemed to drag on.  As each color needs to be applied separately and allowed to dry.  The black needed 3 "coats". What looks like silver is actually iridescent white.  I'm going to add a stick/holder and viola!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hopping around...

More than a jackrabbit!  I came across this last night while I was working on the mattress...

So, here goes, I got to thinking -- I have this half finished mask and I don't have enough time to finish the mattress anyway, so why not work on that...

I had the mask "shape" and the feathers attached, but nothing else.  I painted it silver, started adding some glitter, here's where I am now.  The white glitter didn't work, so I have to find something else to use.

For some reason, I keep thinking fuschia /magenta.... Any how, here I am:

Monday, July 16, 2012

So, I think I have all the things I need

I changed my mind on the mattress covering yesterday.  I want it to look shabby chic and I think a traditional ticking would be better than the white I was planning (I will use that for the mattress pad).

I have a photo of cutting out the foam.  The "pattern" was made after careful measuring and doing the math to see what a queen sized bed would be.  It is just 2 sheets of notebook paper, but I'm glad I made it as I can measure things against it... (Made sure it was big enough for the girls, etc.)

The pattern, a piece of batting and one of the pieces of foam, all on a blue cutting mat.

My mom was so cute, she said "how did you think of all that?"  -- I told her "I don't know it just comes to me".

Saturday, July 14, 2012

What I've been making....

I'm still working on a doll bed.  It started out as a "shabby chic" project that I saw on Pinterest, it's grown into a full blown bed, mattress, and box spring... It's going to take some time... I'll work it through ;).  Hopefully, I'll have some photos to show.

It is still in its conceptual stages.  I imagine a white bed (of wood), with slats holding a mattress and box spring; a mattress pad, fitted and flat sheets and a quilt or bed spread.  -- You can see how this is going to take some time.

I've made a template of paper approximating the bed size.  I did some math.... a little extrapolation... If this 13.5" doll were a person of oh lets say 5'8", then what size would her Queen sized bed be.  I measured a queen sized bed... did the math and viola -- I got a size.  I made that out of paper and "tried" it out for size.  Looks good.  On to the next part.  I cut a mattress topper out of batting to place on top of the "foam" mattress.

I used some foam I had hanging around the house.... Cutting this has proved to be quite difficult.  Straight cuts, not easy.  I tried scissors, a (fabric) rotary cutter, even a razor blade.  Then I remembered in the store, they used an electric (food) knife.  Cleaner cuts.

I want to use a piping around the mattress so that will "complicate" things.  I have the fabric to cover the mattress.  It is a quilted diamond pattern (smallish diamonds).

I'm going to use a pillow case cover as the mattress pad, old pillow cases for my shabby chic bedding, and a hand quilted piece as a bed spread.

I need an exacto knife to cut the wood...  I have some ideas as to the shape... but I'm torn, where to take the time and cut just the one I want, or to use mostly straight pieces of wood as to go quicker...  decisions, decisions....

Of course I have several distractions in my life, my youngest leaves for college in a month or so and I want to finish a quilt I've been hand quilting for her.  My mom is ill.  It is her 85th birthday next month, my brother will fly in for that... I have to plan some sort of party for her.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Poor Agnes

This blog is originally about Agnes (and she's my first love).  I'm sure she's feeling a bit ignored, but not to worry.  I am chugging along behind the scenes.  I'll post soon what I have so far....

Thursday, July 12, 2012

She's my latest acquisition and she has her own blog

This is Coco.  A doll by Angelika Balan.

Her blog is:

I thought she needed her own separate blog??? Yeah, why not.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Blogs, Boards and Forums??

Is it me? What's with all the Blogs?? Boards?? Forums??
For me it started with DOA (Den of Angels), I joined, learned how to navigate, posted...
DOA was kind of "restrictive" in that certain dolls couldn't be discussed.  This was fine, as I understood or thought I understood their method**.  The dolls had to be asian ball jointed dolls, (unless someone had an affiliation with them -- you saw dolls such as Briar, Yslande (sp?) -- Dollfair carried the Enchantment dolls.

** I could never understand why very talented artists like Cristy Stone (xtreme dolls) or Kaye Wiggs were excluded.

While looking for Enchantment dolls, I ended up stumbling into Enchanted dolls.  The dolls from Marina Bychkova.   I was enchanted.  I got on the waiting list.  I was active on that forum for a few years; I think.  Marina's waiting list became a wish list when she announced she would not be working through the waiting list by continuing to make nude dolls.   It is her prerogative to do as she chooses.  I was surprised how many people were "angered" by her decision.  I really loved the look of her dolls.  This will sound weird but they had an alien like quality to their faces -- almost futuristic.  If it were not for Enchanted doll --I  would never have discovered porcelain bjds.  There are many "makers" now and more joining in all the time.  Definitely porcelain bjds are in my future.  I really like them.   Resin just doesn't interest me any more.  I'm sure I'll be eating those words...

I digress.  What I started talking about was all the blogs and boards and forums I used to follow.  I can't imagine anyone following my blog or all the boards for very long.  I love the boards, don't get me wrong.  I love seeing new/different dolls -- I can't get used to the set up -- I haven't lost interest, I just find it more exciting to be on FLICKR???????  WHAT??????  Yeah, I love to see the new dolls, the new OOAK clothes, just stuff.......  I must be more visual.  Is it me?  I just think there is always some drama popping up and I guess I'm too frank -- I just want to say it like it is.

Now there's Pinterest.  It's not a discussion, but like Flickr you can see "what's out there".

If not for the fact that I spent most of my day at the hospital today with my mom -- I would have posted earlier and had a photo!!  Tomorrow....

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hope you are enjoying your summer!

I certainly am.  I've been on vacation with my family and been busy.. check back soon as I have been working on some stuff.  My camera battery is kaput, so I'm not sure when or if I'm going to be able to post some photos!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Well... when I think shabby chic, I think of the Ashes

Rachel Ashwell, Laura Ashley....

I was able to get some Laura Ashley sheets and a really cute shabby chic pillow sham...  I have a vast amount of lace... antique, semi antiquish, new stuff that looks kind of old...

So here is what I've gathered so far...

Here are some of the laces:

Thursday, June 14, 2012

My Creative Juices are flowing unbelievably...

Ok, I guess my mind is wandering.... 

I suddenly (as of yesterday) want to make a shabby chic bed for my girls!  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I got a little freaked out today

I remember someone saying "are there any original ideas?"  -- I immediately thought, of course there are.  Man has free will, we come up with ideas, of course they are "our ideas" -- I remember hearing that bands won't listen to tapes sent to them, lest they are later accused of stealing music and directors won't read scripts from "no names" for the same reason.  I thought, how ridiculous, then I had this freaky thing happen to me.

Yesterday, I bought a used book with the thought I'd like to make a fairy house/ miniature out of it.  I even thought I could put a "door" on the spine of the book....  -- today I saw something that had been posted on the internet only 5 days ago, it was a series of books, glued together and attached to make a fairy house -- how freaky is that.  I remember thinking well, there's no such thing as a book fairy, but I just like the idea,  I thought of stacking pages, gluing them together and carving furniture out of it....

There's the tooth fairy, there are woodland fairies, but no book fairy.  This brings me back to... are there any original ideas... or has someone, somewhere already thought of your idea, making it not really yours??

Monday, June 11, 2012

I feel like the cloud is lifting!

Finally, things aren't as bad.  Today I went to the post office and retrieved the package they claimed to have delivered on Saturday.  All the clerk could say was "Lucky it was here".  Fine.  I'm over it.

I've had a strange twist of desire/fate...  I have a very odd fascination with fairies.... Yes Fairies.  Perhaps it started with the making of the petal dress that I'm in the process of doing...  Maybe it was something else...  Anyway, I want to make a fairy house (of course I have more on my plate than hours in the day, but I'm just letting the idea swirl around in my head.

I don't know what's gotten into me.  Maybe it is early empty nest syndrome. 

Speaking of empty nest, I'm feverishly quilting the quilt I hope to send her off to school with but the quilting is very time consuming.... much more so than I imagined.  I want to get it all quilted and then bound before mid-August ... just before she leaves.

Back to my fairy thoughts....

I was thinking a "book fairy" -- hollowing out a book and making all the furniture out of the pages....
Then there was a seaside fairy -- make something that looks like a sand castle with shell/coral furnishings
Then I thought maybe forest fairy (traditional with pine cones, etc.) but I just can't decide.  Maybe I'll make up some rough sketches....

How fun it would have been to make a small woodland fairy house out in our backyard when my girls were young... never thought of it.  Wish I had!  (I could wait for grandchildren but who knows what my eye sight will be like by then!)

Promises of posts with pictures!!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

It's been a while since my last post...

As I sat here at my computer, thinking I've not posted on my blog in a while.  I thought, I really don't have too much to say.  I've been busy with family issues and I realize not a lot matters (other than health and happiness) -- I've drilled this into my kids since they could understand the spoken word.  It is more evident now than ever.

I keep saying, in September I'll have more time (when my daughter leaves for school) -- but again -- I think I should just seize the day!!!  So with a new(ish) upbeat attitude, I'm going to trust that every thing will work out for the best and that what is meant to be will be.

I'm tired of fighting with my local post office.  The post office in this country is just terrible.... I have to accept that and move on.  If I don't get my mail, I don't get it.

I did make a quilt (out of old denim jeans).  That was fun.   Very easy (I needed that).

I'm going to get motivated to finish up some of the dress ideas I had sketched out.  I realize that I've been procrastinating -- giving myself till September to finish them up.

There are so many things I'd love to do including put together a house or at least a diorama for the girls.  I don't need much, maybe a living room and a bedroom??? I've been looking at all the miniature things there are "out there" and I wish there were more that would "fit" my Agnes, Adriana, and the bunch....

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hope to have some news within the next day or two

GREAT NEWS!   I GOT ANOTHER ADDITION TO MY COLLECTION.  Her's has been a difficult journey you can read about it below.

I'll have more photos tomorrow.

I cannot believe the turmoil with this doll....  I took her out to take a photo for my blog and heart break and disappointment, her upper leg joint where the rod is inserted shot out and the leg fell to the ground, breaking..... Ugghhh.  My heart just sunk and I began to cry.  It started off as being the happiest day to being the saddest all in a few minutes...

She is now on her way back to her artist.  It seems I will again have to wait...

Her history was filled with ups and down.

I've been waiting (patiently) -- and I think I might burst when I finally get this little gem in my hands!  I'll post photos, I'm already doing some planning.  This started on May 9th or so and I had no idea it would take this long... Worth the wait...


I had started writing this yesterday.  I found out today, it was not meant to be.  It seems she will be going back to her artist and won't be coming to me.  Very sad...  There seems to be some snag in the delivery which we can't figure out yet.   Luckily today is my daughter's graduation so I have much to look forward to.

Things just haven't gone well for me, so I should just accept that it isn't to be.

I returned home very late from my daughter's graduation only to find that a slip was left by my mail lady.  (The post office arrived at my house after 5:00 pm) -- as I didn't leave until 5:20...  It is a long weekend here, so I have to wait till Tuesday to hopefully get her.  Now I pray that she hasn't been damaged.  She's been in transit since May 9th!

It was the weekend, then a holiday (memorial day).... I waited (and prayed she wouldn't be damaged) -- this has happened with my post office before and it was an antique doll.... ughh

The local post office are idiots.  They said that the package was not addressed correctly and it would have to be returned to its original sender.  I think they thought that they were sending it back to the originator -- but the only American address was mine and that's where they sent it.   That's what they put in the tracking system -- being returned to sender.

As the post woman handed over the package, she plopped it on the counter from above.   I gasped and said "it's fragile" -- she just looked at me and said "it's packaged" -- absolute idiots.  I was so afraid that the fragile/delicate fingers would be broken.   I was so relieved when she was undamaged.  I emailed the artist letting her know she was fine....  (How was I to know the leg incident was still to happen)...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I can't believe these new dolls!

I'm very enamored by the new dolls by the Popovy sisters.  Some serious talent there.  I see Sybarites being given a run for their money.

Ahhh!  Wow!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

As graduation approaches

For my youngest, I find I'm squished (for time).  I am waiting for some very special things (and I'll fill you in when they arrive).  Because I can view Pinterest on my phone, I find I spend more time there (than here).  I'm still working on my daughter's quilt (the hand quilting will take the most time) -- then, it will have to be "bound" -- no looking forward to it.

Monday, May 14, 2012

And finally, The Coral outfit...

The outfit, completely sewn by hand, has been more labour than love :)

It consists on a sheer skirt (purposefully I omitted an underskirt) -- The top is a short sleeved turtleneck with a hand applique of  coral of the skirt material.  The back has a funky fold to produce a key hole with faux buttons and closes with snaps.  The skirt has hand painted coral.  The cape can be worn either with the collar erect or supine.  The cape is fully lined.  The cape's tie is made of the same material as the blouse.  In addition, hand made stockings of the same material completes the outfit.

Now, for my not so stellar photos.

The flash made the lining appear more pink than it is.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I thought this was the cutest thing

I was just in the housewares department of a discount store and there it was....

It's like a park bench, but not really.  the "trash can" from the dollar store.  It is for pens.  There looks like there is paint missing (white marks) -- It's not, its the sun on the gloss from the enamel paint.  I'll get shot of Adriana on it for scale (it looks cute)....

Friday, May 11, 2012

Another one....

Book that is....  this time it is another jumbo sized one on haute couture.  I am so happy with this book also.  My mom was with me when we got it and her comments made me laugh.  Most of the styles seem to be from the 90's -- That was fine with me.

I also got another book from the library...  Balenciaga... Nice book.  I've ordered a copy off Amazon as I liked it so much.

Before I forget, I got the cutest little outdoor bench for Adriana.   It is turquoise.  So cute. (and very inexpensive) -- photos will follow.

I've gotten an inspiration for a dress for Greta... (Greta is my bjd from Maryna Subenko) -- Maryna does an amazing job on faces....

Speaking of which, I have 2 dolls "on the horizon" -- hopefully.  I've been in contact with the artists and I'm "next in line" so to speak.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I interrupted my current project with another project...

I had been working on previously.  I'm closer to the end with this one (or so I think)

The yellow (I can refer to it as golden -- but it's yellow) beaded dress.  I am making a detachable train for walking (similar to a wedding dress) and the existing train will allow for sitting, dancing, etc. -- here's where I am....

It's hard to tell, but I've added hundreds of beads to this baby.  I'm going to take a close up when I'm completely finished.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The most Amazing Book

Oh, I was so excited to get my book yesterday.  I've been wanting this for a bit.  I first saw it at the library, but I wanted a copy of my own.   There is a particular dress in there that I would love to copy (and I will attempt to...)  that is another story and (possibly another blog.)

My signature crappy photography but you get the idea.  The Met's collection of Haute Couture (and yes it is the collection)...  There are many close ups of the workmanship and descriptions.  Like the cover dress, those are bits of mink under the embroidery and beading!  Really amazing.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The cape.... I have a change in plan.

I've been working on it...  But again, it is hand sewing.

Well there was deciding on a form.... and cutting that and a lining

Then there was the basting and the trimming....

and the pinking (to prevent fraying)

So, although it doesn't look like it, I've been through several steps.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Coral's slow progress

It isn't that this was a complicated design, it is only time consuming as it is all hand sewn (why I decided to do that... I'll never know) -- yes it is a pain.

Here's the top.  I finished it. (actually, I'm going to put buttons on the back)

As you can see from the photo, the skirt still needs a waist band and I'm just working on the cape/cloak now.

I think Adriana looks great in Agnes' wig!  I think the color suits her!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Here's my progress

Here's some progress albeit small.

I've decided to fold and sew the back into a geometric pattern.  

You can get an idea from this photo

I've started working on a cape.  I'll show the progress as I go... it's going to be a long one as this is an entirely sewn by hand outfit.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I realize I've been wasting a lot of time...

That's what time is for.... wasting ;)

I've been beading away (although it doesn't show in my progress) -- I've been distracted with family matters my kids and my mom.  I surely am the sandwich generation.

I will soon be an empty nester with both girls away at school, so I will be having a lot of time to work on my dolls, their wardrobes, and my blog.

I went to the library yesterday and got a book I've been wanting for a long time

This book has been a thorn in my side.  I've ordered it through Amazon twice and through Barnes and Noble.  No luck.  Well, I finally got to see the book and as the title doesn't suggest, this is not a book of the collections meaning the actually runway fashions.  It is more a rather dull explanation of the types of buttons used by Coco, the fact that she was fascinated with the flower (on the cover) the camellia, it talks about her perfume, Chanel #5.   Yes, it is a lovely book... however, it is not what I had envisioned.  I think there are more photos of Chanel jewelry, makeup and perfume, than fashions... I don't think I'm exaggerating (that much) here.  I was hoping for a comprehensive look at the collection from Coco's time till now.  That book has yet to be written, perhaps after Karl's reign, someone will.

So, no more on the "book review".

I've finished the applique on the coral top....  It's been so long.  I should be finished all together by tomorrow or Monday!  Photos for sure.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ok, since the change in format

I've been a bit lax on my posting.  Sunday night I spent the entire time working on hand quilting my daughter's quilt -- that is going to be a big job!!!  Agony.

Monday night (I was up till 2:30 am) working on a costume for my daughter.  It seems Red Cross club needed a giant DVD to be worn to assembly... ("My mom can make it"... famous last words).

Yesterday I was overwhelmed by the Popovy sisters and their new dolls!  Gorgeous really.  Should give Sybarites a run for their money.

Things are more than hectic with me and my hopes are fading for trying to start yet another blog....  I got an email and the book that I was basing it on has yet to be delivered to me (and I doubt it ever will).

"Those who can't do... become critics..."

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pinterest... but I did find something of note...

I was on pinterest and someone mentioned this book.  Of course, it sparked my curiosity.  I ordered this book and I really like it.  The jacket cover is a work of art.  The pearls are embossed (?) on the paper making them shiny and appear to stand out.

The cover turns out to be the bodice for a dress Jackie O. wore.

I think it is a very interesting book.  I'm not sure if I would have included quite so many current dresses (as I do think some of them are indeed forgettable).  But there was a bogie of 100 to hit, so overall I'm pretty pleased with the book.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Guess I've been away longer than I thought

I bought something to help me on my way (hopefully)

People who bead probably recognize these right away.  They are little flocked triangles.  I can best describe them as reminding me of jewelry boxes, but not as deep.

I figure I'm in for a lot more beading, not less, so I should invest in these.

I've been feverishly trying to work on my daughter's quilt.  Here's the front so far.  All the "patchwork" part of it is done.  Next is quilting and binding.

The yellow balls are quilter's pins and I'm making my quilt sandwich....  (note to self:  Quilts take time and patience; I have neither).

Love the way it is coming along though.  I've heard quilts are like having children, you don't remember the time and the labor once you look at the finished product.  (I'm hoping this is true -- I've only made small quilts in the past.

Monday, April 23, 2012

What I'm working on...

Blogger changed its interface (oh joy), this is fine, but I was used to the old one...

I've been spending lots of time working on my daughter's quilt.  I thought the back was all finished, then my husband said "is that long enough" -- on closer inspection, it probably did need to be longer...  Ughh.  I realize quilting takes 2 things (I have neither) -- patience and precision.

Ok, so here's where I am on the quilt.  This is the back... Yeah, it's double sided!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

I've been spending way too much time on Pinterest and Flickr and

Making my daughter's quilt.

But, on the doll news front (which I don't usually broadcast) --

Marmite Sue has her new RESIN doll.  Congrats to her.   I know many have tried...

Also, I remember looking at a doll a while back, she reminded me of that fashion doll -- I think it was Tonner who made her and she was full figured. Ahh yes, the name was Emme.

Anyway, I love these dolls... of the full figured genre.  If you scroll down to her January post, you will see the doll I'm talking about.

This just in, Ficon Doll just released a new doll, Leonie

Ficon Doll-- Leonie

Friday, April 20, 2012

I'm trying my hand at beading...

Or should I say Adriana's (for scale) -- I tried that beaded collar from the craft book!

It looks a bit creepy with just her hand, but I wanted to show the scale... Ehhhh??? I'm not too thrilled with it but on a black dress as part of a permanent collar, could be interesting.  I won't rule it out...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I am working (although not quickly enough)

I've been spending more time on Pinterest (than I should) and I'm also working on my daughter's quilt -- so my free time is limited.

But, I've been beading away (You can hardly tell) -- but I must have added another 100 or 2 to this dress and check out the shoes.  To me, they are very Manolo-ish.  They look great with this outfit (thanks N).

She's laying down (on a glass topped table that has shells and coral below) --- My terrible photography includes some flash "lights".  More charm ;)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I know I'm kind of late, but I needed to pick up a package at the post office

We have the worse post office ever, when I complained that I get my mail after 5:30 pm each day, I was told that they cut back staff and it (delivery) might be later?????

Yesterday, I'm pretty sure I was home when the mail lady left a slip (We missed you, please pick up your package -- tomorrow!)  ahhh crap.  I was just at the post office yesterday.  Another trip.  It about 5 miles or so from the house (involves going over a bridge) and taking local roads -- see where this is going... painful.

Now for the big reveal... what's in the mail....

Much to my surprise.... It was not what I expected (at all) -- but, I will share as it is somewhat blog related.

I ripped it open in the post office and thought (awwwwhhh!)  It is a work of art in itself, just not what I was expecting...

I think I did really well capturing this cover as it is a hologram of the metal Skull he is famous for and his actual face.  It is non other than Alexander McQueen and probably one of the greatest of all time designers.  I will always love Oscar de la Renta (for his classic design), Chanel (for timeless design) -- and McQueen (for over the top/ out there design).

I'm pretty sure my daughter once met Mr. McQueen in Paris.  That's another story all together.

Too cool.  Most of his collection is in here, some, I didn't see but it is not a complete collection of all his works... My favorite is in there:

I think George at JamieShow did this and the Lady Gaga shoe as doll shoes.  Bless his heart.

RIP, some times genius has its price.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Doll shapes... Waif like.... vs. Not so waif like

I suppose that Agnes and Adriana are somewhat waif like in that they have slightly boyish figures.  I never really gave it much thought.  I had to post this photo of one of my favorite dolls from Flickr

Skene on Flickr

On the flipside, there's another doll I love by dust of dolls!  (I couldn't remember the name of the company -- had to google). Their Puns.  I like the proportions.  Something about them just looks cute!

Puns by Dust of Dolls

I really liked the Dollstown Dolls, Momo in particular -- but I changed my mind when I read about their ankles.  Upon closer inspection, I did notice that their ankles are rather large -- Said to be for stability?? Other dolls don't seem to have those...

So, now I pay closer attention to the "little things".

I have some "surprises" coming up... Dollwise.... I'll keep you posted....

Monday, April 16, 2012

I was reading a craft book, yeah, must have been bored!

I went to the library with my daughter and I had time to kill, so I went to the craft section 742.xx (something like that... dewey decimal system...alive and well).  Anyway.  I was looking at this book and viola something that caught my interest.  It is a how to on making pearl collars??? what you ask?  It is beaded collar (their's was made of pearls -- I thought, I could make one of these for my dolls using seed beads -- I have a TON of beads)....

Here's a photo of their version:

I never really thought about it, but you could make a lot of derivations -- I'm interested.

Hmmmm.... I'm sure I could make something similar -- I'm just not sure for which dress.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ok, I admit it, I may be addicted to Pintrest

When I first discovered Ebay, I spent hours on there looking at stuff (and buying) -- My husband would go by (and there I was.... on Ebay) -- it got to be a joke with the postal people (Luckily, I moved -- and also I gave up Ebay (for the most part).

A few years ago, I found DOA (Den of Angels) -- again, I was on there all the time -- seeing all the ball jointed dolls, outfits, accessories, it was like a kid in a candy store.... Volks, Supia, Bobobie, Dollstown, on and on.

Then I moved to the doll boards -- again, pictures of dolls, dolls for sale, outfits, you see where this is going.  There was Barbie, Gene, Sybarites, JamieShow, Tyler, bjds, Avanteguards

Then it was Flickr.  All of the above and custom dolls!

Then a while back (on the boards) someone mentioned Pintrest (I had heard of it on the radio) but I didn't understand it.  I went on (and truthfully, without joining, it is not that interesting) -- now I've joined and I've loaded in a bunch of my interests.... (mostly dolls, doll stuff, some quilting, and various other stuff), I've started following other "Pintresters" -- probably not a word (yet) and I can't believe it.

There is a woman on there that is me.... Well, I should say, her interests so closely mirror my own, I'm somewhat amazed.  Also, I thought, quilts and miniature furniture -- those 2 must be mutually exclusive, but nope, there's a guy who has those as boards also.

It's funny because my daughter said something to me last night.  I kind of chuckled, but the more I think about it, the more I think hmmm....  Her comment was, there a school of thought that says there are no new ideas, what ever you (or anyone can think up) has been thought up in the same or another form before.  (They may or may not have acted on it.) -- Deep....

I think back to the quilt I thought I "made up in my head" -- Ok, take these batik squares then frame them with some black calico fabric -- I saw a similar one on line and "pinned it" to my Pintrest board...  I thought back to when doll makers have "come up" with ideas for dolls (and I've seen them before -- I always wondered if they had seen them (consciously, or subconsciously) before...

I was just looking at the orange feather dress I made, I realize now, that Enchanted doll has a similar one they made perhaps years ago.  It is also orange or in the red family, it has feathers for the skirt portion (although their feathers are so delicate) and the top well, it is beaded.  (their dress is much more professional/gorgeous) -- But I'm sure I must have seen that dress but yet, I did not consciously remember it when I set out to make a feather dress (the funny thing is I started out with yellow feathers -- and thought it looked too chicken like).

Speaking of chickens, what came first, the chicken or the egg?  Are all ideas just out there and we come up with what we think are our ideas... and they really aren't??  That brings me back to my addiction to Pintrest -- It is like Flickr in that you see soooooooooo many new things, the cool thing about Pintrest is that you can link back to the original site and read more about it, or order it if it is a product, or see original stuff if it is someones!  This is definitely going to be the major marketing tool of the next generation.  (It is like Flickr or Facebook people, get on there!)  If you are a doll maker, a costume maker, or a casual observer... Try Pintrest!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Can't avoid the "Asian influence" --

I saw this fabric and I couldn't resist.  It reminded me of something... What I thought.  Then I remembered a few years ago in NY I bought these "cherry blossom" appliques -- Now to find them....  I just know there is a dress in this (somewhere).

How will I have time to make anything now that I've found Pintrest???  I remember hearing about it on the radio, then I was on one of the fashion doll boards a couple months back and someone was saying how they were addicted to it,  I went on... eh?  Not that interested.  My daughter explained as more people get on it, it will be more interesting... Ok.  The only thing that "bothers" me is you can't "pin" from Flickr -- some of the best doll artists are there and they don't have other sites, I can't pin them!!!!!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Ok, I thought I had "seen it all" -- I went on Pinterest...

This might "one up" my Flickr days.   I found a doll on there by Cindy M McClure -- as I don't have rights to it, I did not post here.  If you google image Cindy M McClure bjd -- you will see it.  You can click here for :  Google image search

Oh, I like the ballet theme and the costuming of this doll.  I didn't think there was yet another artist out there that I had yet to have seen.  Usually, through the boards, etc -- my attention is drawn to these bjd creators... Hmmm.

So, now Pinterest has my attention.  I love seeing what is "trending".

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Crafts and Stuff.... Nothing to do with dolls! ;)

(Also in my "free" time -- aka late at night -- I'm working on a quilt for my daughter).  For me patchwork quilts are toughest at the cutting phase.  I'm mostly past that, so I'm happy, but I need to choose and cut the "background" -- that's a little tricky.  I have yet to have made such a large one.  Generally I stick to baby quilts...

Here's a look at that so far.... These are the front panels (the color in between is the existing bedspread) 

The back will also be a patchwork (just to have more fun (and work) -- It will be strips separated by the background color.

The material is batik -- 100% cotton.  (My favorite is the black piece -- near the top of photo)  You can see see moose, elk, bear, and a coyote!  It's from Alaska!  

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's a WIP, but here's where I am

I cut and stitched a new blouse, I cut out the "applique" -- I need to finish stitching it on and then I'm going to attach the collar.  The finish work will take the longest, but I wanted to show what I've been working on.

I do also have some new fabrics for my next project (I will be really getting going in the fall) -- Here's a peek!

Looks like upholstery, it's not..  Think suits (and perhaps a bedspread or two).

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


If not for the fact that I spent most of my day at the hospital today with my mom -- I would have posted earlier and had a photo!!  Tomorrow....

I've been working on "one of the dresses"  -- guess which one -- (or see tomorrow!)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Finished one....

Surprise, it's the orange feather dress! Tah dah!


Yes, I'm proud.  With everything going on, I managed to finish a dress.  It is actually a 2 piece.  The top is organza with beads and the bottom is organza with feathers!

I'll need to accessorize (shoes, etc....)  Soon.  Soon.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Surprise....I'm also working on the coral dress again

I finished up (a bit) on the coral dress.... I know, I hop around more than the Easter Bunny...  I must have trouble focusing everything is shiny thing...  So, here's where I am on the Coral dress:

For the bodice, I want to make it from a stretch mesh and applique a painted coral from the skirt fabric onto it.  All is well, except I've misplaced the fabric paint.  Ugghhh.... here I go again.  Too many projects at once.

I also want to make a "peasant" dress -- what that will entail, I'm not too certain, but I've sketched something out and I'm going to scrounge up fabric from my craft area -- should be interesting.

A couple years ago, my daughter did a photo project, it was with a portfolio theme of "fairy tales" -- the characters were "re-imagined".  I made a dress for Alice -- Alice in wonderland -- I want to try to recreate something like that for a doll -- I'll see how it works....  Neither Agnes nor Adriana are the "right" age for such a dress.  I remember wanting a Dollstown doll and had I gotten one, it would have been perfect for Momo!! (That Dollstown Momo was just so cute)  -- If you are unfamiliar definitely google Dollstown Momo.

Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately) -- I need to put some of my dolls stuff on hold and work on a quilt for my youngest daughter.

Friday, April 6, 2012

I was killing time today and came across this!

It is the first ceramic one that I have come across, so I had to have it!

It has a small chip on the leg -- there were no more...  Want it anyway!  Of course it would be on the side I'm photographing!

The white spot on the rear leg is the chip....  

Hey my CP (crappy photography) is what makes my blog "charming" -- ;)

It is the perfect size.  Why didn't I just photograph the other side you ask??  Well, worse than the chip is this giant paper sticker that says this container is not suitable for food consumption... It is all over this thing... really who would have used this and for what type of food???  I think it's original purpose is to put soaps or bath beads...   Adriana loves it (or I should say I love Adriana in it!)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

This is where I am on the orange feather dress....

More "progress" -- I've added feathers... there are a total of three rows.  Long, then medium then short feathers.... I still need to trim the feathers and the bodice needs work... I got to working on this and well, I know I have others that need to be finished, but I must have a hard time focusing (Oooohhh, shiny thing.... and I'm on to something else.)

I will finish the beading on the yellow dress, it was late at night and my eyes were too tired for that so I figured I'd work on something else.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I'm still working... I've been cramming in a lot, but I actually found

some free time and Adriana helps take my mind off things, so I finished the waistband of her skirt, added a hook and eye closure and started staking out where I want the feathers -- so they lay correctly.  I have the feathers sorted into 3 sizes.  I'm starting with the longest.  They will be placed mid-skirt and cover the tail of the skirt.  Then medium and then small to hide the top of the plume!

Now that I've started applying feathers, I'm not sure if this is a scene out of follies bergere or something I saw my grandmother dusting with (the old feather duster) -- either way, I rather like it thus far.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

As promised... My most "unique" fashion doll

I remember reading that she might have been from the French caribbean islands -- when they saw fashion dolls and attempted to make something similar.  Is it an antique? -- I have no way of knowing. At the very least, it is a primitive leather fashion doll.

She is quite primitive -- really a great doll though.  I got her at the Florida Fair grounds.  I remember the guy didn't take credit cards and I didn't have enough cash... -- I "found" a check I had stuck in my purse for something else (I thought it was fate -- so I bought her) -- never regretted that moment.  I think she was $100.  I really wanted her, I didn't even barter, I said "I'll take it." -- then the guy got nervous -- he said "what do you know about the doll?"  Honestly, I answered "Nothing, I just like it." -- He thought I secretly knew he had some kind of treasure and wasn't saying, but my reply set his mind at ease.

I really don't know anything about this doll, other than I like it and the stitching is very similar to french fashion dolls.... where the seams are placed, yet it is very primitive.  She does have applied thumbs and applied ears.  She eyes are inset under the leather.  Her pate is like a muslin material.

She' a petite beauty with separately stitched fingers.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Giving some thought to "fashion dolls"

This came up because I'm on a quest.  To find my fashion doll "collection" if you will.  There are many talented artists out there.  I love, love, love the work of so many of them...  I have to save and wait and save and wait, but in the end it will all be worth it.  The doll I'm working on getting now, I've been saving since November.  Once she is acquired, I will work on the next one.

I have to chuckle when people say Barbie was the first fashion doll.  Well, yes and no.  The first American fashion doll that was mass produced is probably accurate.  Even so, wasn't there Jan and Kitty Collier and some others??

I'm not a "fashion doll blogger" so, I really don't get wrapped up in who came first.  Speaking from my own experience, I owned Barbie (and Francie and Kelly (I think that was her name and it wasn't the little doll they have now-- it was in the Barbie family) and Tammy -- not Mattel) as a child -- I loved those dolls.

I digress....

Back in the late 80's I became somewhat obsessed with antique fashion dolls when I walked into a store and there I saw it... A headless doll.  I knew I had to have it.  I asked the woman and she apologized for not having a head.  I wanted it any way.  So it started.  (This was back before EBAY when you had to find a person who specialized in dolls, etc.)

Here's a pic of that doll now.  (I keep her under a bell jar on a dresser).  I searched in vain for a head for years -- news flash more bodies survive than heads -- so there are a lot more of them looking for heads than the other way around!  So here she sits, but she is always an inspiration.  I think of the finery she must have had at some point.

Amazing detail... individual stitched fingers, stitched toes.

She's got patches/repairs to her but her kid is taut and well stuffed (I'm assuming cork) -- They don't make 'em like this any more.

I was also thinking of another "fashion doll" I have.  I once saw a similar one in a magazine -- I've never seen one before or since...  

Please revisit my blog, I'll try to get some photos of her posted.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Had a thought... about butterflies???

Don't know why -- and I'm usually not the type -- I had a thought/dream for a dress that involved butterflies....

It wasn't a childlike butterflies all over type of thing, it was a sheer material with square/quadrants -- each one "trapped" a small butterfly.  My thought was how would one make the butterfly?? feathers? painted? embroidered? -- some other method??

I'll sketch this and leave on the way back burner....

As I sketched it (fast and dirty -- the only sketching I can do)  When-- I thought maybe the little butterfly should look like it just landed and it is perching on the fabric...

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Where's the progress????

Although it seems glacial, I do have some progress for the week:

I've only been able to work on these for very few hours as my mom's health has been declining.  My brother arrived a couple days ago and is visiting with her... (that's a whole other story).  I am Soooo thankful she did not have to get admitted to the hospital.  We are watching her carefully and she is on antibiotics --

I can breathe a little easier.

Yellow beaded dress is getting some random beading here and there -- takes a lot of beads though...

Then there's the coral dress, it needs the finalization on the seam and a bodice...

I don't know what it is called (I call it a double blind seam) -- this is part I, then it gets folded over and hemmed.

I think it is interesting that couture clothes don't have labels???  That's why many of them say "attributed to".

And lastly,

Friday, March 30, 2012

Super Baste... Yeah Nicki Minaj spin off...

I kept having that song play in my head (I have teenagers) -- I was thinking of a title for today's blog post -- viola.  I know it is Super Base...

I wanted to show some of the "work" on the coral dress.

The underside of the hem.  I used coral thread.  If you look along the top fold, you can see the hem.  The white baste thread.

The display side, you can see where I "picked up" the fabric.

It needs ironing.

The collar has 4 tuck/pleats and is finished in a straight stitch.

You can see the baste thread..  I've removed the baste thread from the tucks.

Here's a look at the other side:

This will be all hand stitched, I am moving on to the seems next...  Hand stitching (my favorite...) -- this is going to take forever.  See the weirdness of my stitches.  I take my time, it's just that I'm not neat with stitching.  Practice, practice, practice.

I've basted the rear seam.  I just need to sew that.  I've also used a baste thread to gather the waist.  I'm still thinking about the bodice -- I'm thinking mesh?? or something super sheer.  I have to make a trip to my less than ideal fabric store... I have to keep an eye out, maybe I'll find something.

** Funny how life is, I had written this post as I needed to take photos during the daylight (It is dark here when I post in the mornings -- so many times I had to either use a flash or take the photos in the evening before it gets dark).   Florida is funny that way it doesn't get light until about 7:10 am -- then it doesn't get dark until about the same time in the evening...  I couldn't reach my sister last night, she was at the ER with mom so she probably had to turn off her phone.  Hospitals in Florida take hours.  My phone went dead...  I found myself checking my emails this morning and going of all places to Flickr???  Check out the new Immortal Classique doll Red Riding Hood -- AMAZING costuming.